Friday, September 11, 2015

Beware of fraudulent Job Companies in UAE

This is very disturbing news. Every now and then we find people taking advantage of people’s misfortunes. The same is happening now when a lot of people are losing their jobs and are suffering. Quite a few job recruitment companies have sprouted in UAE and playing with people’s life. Desperate job seekers are the target now and it is a sad thing.
This is how some work. They place an ad in the newspaper or an online ad and set the trap. You call they tell you the location for the interview. When you go there there are many waiting like you. You are then called for the interview. In the room you are faced with 3-4 pretty girls who “Interview” you. They ask for all your details, employment status, salary, expected salary etc. Then they tell you that next week you will have to go to their office taking all the documents and start work immediately or something like that. When you tell them your salary, they tell you that even though it is recession they will be offering a good salary with all the benefits! Just imagine all the innocent people who fall for this. Then when it is over they ask you fill in a form after which they ask you to PAY around 100 Dirhams! Why would you ask money from everyone you interview for YOUR company?
A friend of mine had an incident similar to this. He asked why he should pay when job offer is for their own company. They said that that was nothing considering the fact that he was getting a good offer! After a little argument he said he didn’t have the money. So they asked how much he has. He said he had only 10 dirhams for the taxi. They said ok no problem give that. He refused and said thanks but no thanks for the offer and left.
Just imagine the countless number of people who have lost their jobs and are going to these people and getting cheated. Such people who cheat and take such advantage of others misfortunes should be put behind bars. Job seekers please be on high alert when approaching such companies.
The company my friend went to is called Al Qabas International which is located in Sharjah.
Please post incidents if you have come across any.
Fool me once. Shame on you. Fool me twice. Shame on me.” — Chinese Proverb

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