Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Super delicious Meghana Chicken biryani recipe

Meghana Boneless Chicken Biryani Recipe

Meghana Restaurant has many branches spread across Bangalore. They serve andhra style cuisine 90% of us in bengaluru are hooked to the spicy finger licking good stuff...After bookmarking meghana from zomato we finally got to dine there it was the most unforgettable experience ever...since they were accounted to create the world's best briyani i was all excited and waiting for my shot at the table...they served me absolutely cold biryani with no flavor or taste the rice was dry not moist and the over all experience was bad...

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After a bad experience I wanted to recreate the recipe with better ingredients after many trails I got the recipe to the blend everyone in the family liked. I wouldn't call this the healthiest of dishes this biryani can be prepared occasionally... the cherry on the cake moment was when my neighbor tasted this she branded this as meghana biryani she did not have a clue it was all prepared by me..This biryani is on the oily side...grill roasting or baking the chicken would be a better option but the taste differs a lot...We need lot of time and effort to prepare this biryani in stages out come is truly soul satisfying...

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